Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
First Name Last Name Pledged Website Email Phone
Brendon Alterio Spring 1987 www.harraseeketlunchandlobster.com lobster@harraseeket.comcastbiz.net (207) 865-3535
Robert Baizley Fall 1981 www.Blueriverfarmsme.com rbaizley@gmail.com (207) 408-6265
Forrest Bell Fall 1987 www.fbenvironmental.com forrestb@maine.rr.com (207) 650-7597
Kevin Brown Spring 1994 www.metpipe.com kbrown@metpipe.com (617) 492-6400
Joseph Cormier Fall 1987 www.ionnetworking.com joe@ccdmaine.us (207) 318-7609
Scott Daigle Fall 1992 www.PremierCollegeAdvisors.com sea_dogs@yahoo.com (954) 448-1624
Mark Dion Spring 1973 www.markdionlaw.com dionmark@me.com (207) 318-1004
Andrew Doody Spring 1995 www.plushmusiclive.com adoody@yahoo.com (207) 523-0671
Gregory Doucette Spring 1982 www.advancedco.com gdouc@verizon.net (978) 793-1979
Troy Fortier Fall 1992 www.ossipeehouse.com trfortier@yahoo.com (603) 303-0229
Dean Gilbert Fall 1996 www.dean-gilbert.com stripes44@hotmail.com (207) 865-0216
Jeffery Greaves Spring 1997 www.Legalzoom.com jgreaves30@yahoo.com (207) 831-3050
Scott Howard Spring 1985 www.flyfishmaine.com showard4@maine.rr.com (207) 926-5603
J. Gary Howard Fall 1989 www.urbangardencenter.net jgaryhoward@yahoo.com (207) 838-1800
Fredrick Joncas Spring 1973 www.northcenter.com fjoncas@pfgc.com (207) 671-4654
Randall Judkins Fall 1971 www.randyjudkins.com randy@randyjudkins.com (207) 233-2339
Todd Langhill Fall 1987 www.langerent.com todd@langerent.com (207) 318-1860
Steve LeBlanc Spring 1990 www.quakerhilldiscgolf.com quakerhilldiscgolf@gmail.com (301) 934-6696
Jean LeBlanc Fall 1971 www.camelbrookcamps.com jeanrl52@yahoo.com (207) 316-6481
Robert Maurais Spring 1973 www.mainelyticks.com bob@mainelyticks.com (207) 892-2826
Mark Morisette Fall 2002 www.lowes.com laxgoal07@yahoo.com (207) 899-5769
Lance Pepin Spring 2006 www.lancepepin.com lance.pepin@me.com (619) 450-9757
John Richard Spring 1973 www.mainemobilehomes.com JLRDC73@aol.com (207) 632-1161
Kenneth Roberts Spring 1973 www.ConveyorGuys.com ken@conveyorguys.com (508) 397-4225
Mark Scarano Fall 1988 www.markscarano.com mark@markscarano.com (603) 481-0263
Glenn Stankiewicz Fall 1976 www.milb.com/portland Afosi05@yahoo.com (000)000-0000
Gardiner Stevenson Fall 1980 www.elanco.com Gardner.Stevenson@twc.com (207) 314-2617
Gorham State Chapter of Delta Chi | Gorham State Teachers College | University of Southern Maine
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